Friday, February 1, 2008

Parthenon, Archbishop, Temple of Hephaistos, and Church of the Holy Apostles

Temple of Hephaistos
Church of the Holy Apostles
The Funeral of the Archbishop
So we finally did what every turist is supposed to do when visiting Athens--go up and see the Parthenon. So on the third day of our stay here we attended classes at the great monument. Just a little bit of building layout for you: the entrance to the Parthenon is called the Propyleia while the building to the right of the Parthenon is the Erechtheion. It was all so amazing and so huge; although it's really sad to see all of the scaffolding up on the Parthenon. It's their hope to be done with the reconstruction by 2010! I'm going to have to come back so I can go inside!
I also got to see my first big-wig funeral processional on Thursday morning. The Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church passed away recently and his funeral was yesterday morning. We got out of class early so we could wait on the streets with thousands of other Greek citizens and watched the Archibishop's body being taken through the streets to the gravesite. It was a very interesting event but I'm please I got the chance to experience it.
Today we went to the Temple of Hephaistos and the Church of the Holy Apostles. They were located on the Agora, which is the ancient marketplace in the old part of the city. This is the area where philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates staged most of their discussions. We were told the Temple of Hephaistos is what the Parthenon would have looked like had it not undergone such fatalities in the past. We also went to the Church of the Holy Apostles, which is a Byzantine church dedicated to the 12 apostles and is known for its beautiful frescos.


Anonymous said...

Oh Sad - I can't click on your pictures and make them big for some reason. Oh well - the small pics are still quite beautiful. I'm glad to hear you've gotten to see some unique Greek places/events. I'm hoping that you won't have to see another funeral while you're there... not for an Archbishop anyway. How's the rain? Have you been able to do any hiking/adventuring? Have you managed to get lost yet? Continue to have fun and take lots of pictures for me! Lots of Love!

Benjamin Thomas Kohler said...

Looks good. Keep up the good work, Greeks. Go to Layout View from within Blogger. You will want to add elements. From some Page Layout view you can rearrange all these elements. There should be a space for hyperlinks where you can write other websites and things you want to share. Try this out, let me know.

Anonymous said...

I wanted a pic of the dead guy getting carried through the streets. Personally I'm thinking cremation. That way you can dust everybody as you go along. Write that down. Your pics are looking good. Keep up the good work.